Alami Ademu, a Nigerian student based in Russia, had an unusual problem. She continued to vomit after eating certain foods, especially some of her favorite local Nigerian cuisine. However, whilst browsing on YouTube one day, Alami came across an amazing video clip…

Alami Ademu“Emmanuel! My name is Alami Mimi Ademu from Kogi State, Nigeria, living in Russia as a student. My testimony is that towards the end of last year, I could not eat certain types of food. If I tried to, I must vomit the food out. I didn’t know what to do. I had been to the hospital but they said nothing was wrong but the problem kept worsening.

“One day, I was looking for a movie to watch on YouTube when I accidentally discovered Emmanuel TV. I thought to myself, ‘Let me watch this man and see what is happening.’ When watching, I joked that if someone is receiving deliverance, I will act as if I am being delivered as well. I never really believed. I watched one clip of T.B. Joshua praying until the end when I saw a person who was vomiting. While I was watching, I suddenly felt like vomiting too! I said to myself, ‘God, I will continue watching this ‘movie’ until you deliver me!’

“That night while I was sleeping, I had a dream where I saw the man of God praying for me. In that dream, I vomited and then heard a voice telling me to stand up! When I woke up, I felt so hungry as if my stomach was completely empty. I cooked food and decided to try eating it. My roommate warned me that the doctors had told me not to eat at such an early hour in the morning but I didn’t say a word. When I was eating, I was so scared. I didn’t eat much, thinking I would vomit it all out – but I didn’t!

“Since then I’m eating all types of food without vomiting! I will come home soon to share my testimony. Thank God for His mercy. When my roommate asked me how I stopped vomiting, I told her that it was Emmanuel TV that delivered me but she still thinks that I am joking. I thank God for everything in my life. Emmanuel!”

What is your own challenge? Pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV and receive your freedom in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


AriadnaAriadna Hernández from Mexico shared a wonderful testimony about how constipation has become a thing of the past due to Water Therapy:

“Hi, my name is Ariadna Hernández and I´m from Mexico. I have been following the Water Therapy for 3-4 weeks and this has been wonderful for my digestive system! I have suffered of constipation for many years. My grandmother suffered from constipation and my mother, my sister and I all thought it was normal to be constipated all the time.

“However, when I began to take the water therapy, I began to go to the bathroom regularly – sometimes even twice a day! This is so unexpected for me but in a very good way. I praise Jesus because He gave us Prophet T.B. Joshua. I bless you Nigeria because he is from there. I thank my Jesus for being so good and merciful to us!”

For more information about Water Therapy, please watch this short clip:

“God Is Still Saying Something Through Emmanuel TV…”

Felix Teb from USA

“In late 2009, while lodging in a hotel in Cameroon, the receptionist who supposedly, was watching Emmanuel TV, asked me, ‘Sir, do you believe what is happening on this Nigerian TV?’ and my casual response was, ‘With Nigeria, all things are possible’ meaning it would be some Nigerian drama!

“While feeling so bored one afternoon in 2011, (I had moved to the US in 2010) I decided to browse online for some news from Africa. When I googled TV channels in Nigeria, Emmanuel TV came up. When I clicked on Emmanuel TV, it was deliverance time and I quickly concluded it was Nigerian drama but the Holy Spirit glued me to it.

“I later researched Emmanuel TV, which I discovered was on YouTube and all over the internet. I realised I was the blind and lost one left behind! From that moment, I began the first step into a new beginning in my life! I began watching myself and all my problems on Emmanuel TV and solutions to those problems came through praying with the man of God, Prophet TB Joshua.

“Emmanuel TV has positively changed my life and is actually changing the world for the better. God is still saying something and that something is being said through Emmanuel TV. Happy Birthday Emmanuel TV!”

“My Son Saw Angels On Emmanuel TV…”

Omubaba Yaro from Lagos, Nigeria

“Good morning Emmanuel TV! In 2010, when I saw Prophet T.B. Joshua in our local channels, I did not believe. My wife however advised that we should buy a decoder. One day while Emmanuel TV was on, my five year old son shouted, ‘Daddy! See the angel!’ I asked him a trick question, ‘How many are they?’ He kept watching intently and in about five minutes, he told me they were five. That was when my doubts faded away!

“Emmanuel TV is a life changing channel and many of us cannot do without it. God bless TB Joshua and the Emmanuel TV partners and also viewers all over the world. Amen!

“I Cried When I First Saw Emmanuel TV…”

HarrisonAsogwa Harrison from Lagos, Nigeria

“I was just searching channels on my MyTV decoder one day in the year 2008 and I saw Emmanuel TV. When I watched what God is using Prophet T.B. Joshua to do for people, I cried because what I saw was contrary to what people were saying about him.

“Emmanuel TV has changed my life for good. As I continued watching, I was delivered in my dream and all the terrible nightmares I used to have are gone!

“I urge you out there to watch Emmanuel TV and your life will never remain the same, in Jesus’ name. I just want to thank my mentor, role model and father in Lord Prophet TB Joshua for allowing himself to be used by God. I also want to thank all Emmanuel TV partners for wiping away the tears in people’s eyes.

“Thank You, Jesus! Happy Birthday – keep changing lives, nations and the world! Cheers!!!!”

“I Leave Emmanuel TV On Throughout The Night”

FeliciaFelicia Wazi from Nasarawa, Nigeria:

“Emmanuel!!! I discovered Emanuel TV in 2008 when I bought a dish and when my installer was trying to install it, the first station it captured was Emmanuel TV. That was the time when the man of God was delivering one professor who had never gotten married in his life and confessed he was behind cultism in schools. He also confessed how he met with the devil face to face.

That same year, I travelled to Lagos and received deliverance for the problem I had with fibroids. At the end of the day, Prophet TB Joshua paid my fees for my NCE programme! Since then, I have experienced God’s protection for me and my family because I always leave Emmanuel TV on throughout the night. My advice to others is – don’t give up on God. He has plans for each of us. Good morning!

Submit your own message on the occasion of Emmanuel TV’s ninth birthday here – http://www.facebook.com/tbjministries/photos/pb.103470916440360.-2207520000.1425756595./848361155284662/?type=1


Badei Julius from Nigeria testified how his younger brother received a miraculous deliverance at the point of death after the Anointing Water was ministered to him…

“I want to thank God Almighty for the miracle of deliverance and salvation my younger brother received. In November 2014, my brother, according to him, he was poisoned by his friend while they were drinking. He had tried all he could to help himself by treatment and local medication but it was all to no avail. After two days, he decided to come to me that I may minister the Anointing Water because he told me he believes his case was spiritual.

“On his way coming to meet me, the vehicle which he and a friend boarded had a fatal collision with a truck carrying iron rods. When he woke up from his unconscious state, he saw his friend and every other passenger had died. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital. At that time, he was still crying for the Anointing Water been to be brought to him.

“My parents who were close to the hospital came immediately they heard what happened. My mother began by spraying the Anointing Water and my brother started shaking violently! Suddenly, an evil spirit within him began crying out – just like we usually watch on Emmanuel TV. It said that it wanted to destroy him by 12 noon that day and that it was the cause of the accident. I arrived two minutes later and saw him manifesting on the hospital bed.

“I took the bottle of Anointing Water from my mother and I commanded that spirit that was talking through him to come out! As I spoke, I ministered it in Jesus’ name and he began screaming! Suddenly, the voice said, “I am leaving” and he fell back on the hospital bed. Everybody, including the hospital staff, watched what happened and were amazed! When he regained his senses, he immediately recognised us and the whole family started praising God together. Now, he is fully recovered! I know the only reason he is still alive today is because of the Anointing Water we ministered. Thank You, Jesus Christ!”

Are you also facing demonic attack? Distance is NOT a barrier! Join Prophet T.B. Joshua in this powerful prayer and believe God for your own deliverance, in Jesus’ name:


A Nigerian living in Japan was inspired by the testimonies he heard on Emmanuel TV concerning the ‘Water Therapy’ and decided to try it himself!

“My Name is Emmanuel Agbonze. I am a Nigerian from Benin city living in Japan. I am sharing this testimony to testify of the goodness of God and our Lord Jesus Christ for what He has done in my life.

“Over 18 months ago, I was diagnosed with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is a chronic digestive disease which occurs when stomach acid or content occasionally flows back into your food pipe (Oesophagus). Because of this, I always experienced heartburn, fast breathing, inability to eat normally, weakness of the body, chronic headache and poor vision.

“After listening to the testimonies of people on Emmanuel TV and how their lives were restored through the ‘Water Therapy’ introduced by the man of God Prophet TB Joshua, I decided to be a part of it.

“People of God, after drinking water as instructed by the man of God, all the symptoms in my body totally disappeared! No more heartburn, shortness of breath or crippling headaches! Now, I can see clearly and do everything that I couldn’t do before!

“Thank You, Jesus and I thank you man of God! My advice to people reading my testimony is simple – if you are experiencing a similar problem to mine, please start your water therapy without wasting time. It is VERY important! Better is not good enough; the best is yet to come! Emmanuel!”

To learn more about ‘Water Therapy’, please watch this short clip:


Wycliffe Waka Akaka from Nairobi, Kenya sent in this wonderful testimony of how God touched his wife and miraculously ended a spell of miscarriages to bring fruitfulness into their marriage. Be blessed as you read!

“Emmanuel! My name is Wycliffe Waka Akaka from Nairobi, Kenya. I am 35 years old. I married my dear wife in a very colourful churKenya Testimonych wedding on 12th June 2010. After the wedding, my wife conceived and we were elated that after 9 months we would be able to hold our first born child with joy in our hearts. However, this joy was curtailed by a miscarriage after 4 months. My wife conceived after a few months again and before the scar of the previous experience could heal, she again had another painful miscarriage exactly after 4 months.

“I took her to Umoja Nursing Home hospital and after running several tests and performing an ultrasound scan, Dr. Chewe, a renowned gynaecologist at Mater Hospital, diagnosed her with multiple uterine fibroids. He later referred us to a radiologist specialist Dr. Nguku Sophia W of Unique Imaging Services to perform further tests. The report from the radiologist indicated the presence of multiple fibroids causing the left ovary not to be visualized. When we took the report to Dr. Chewe, he recommended an urgent operation.

“I could not afford the Ksh. 60,000.00 (Around 750 dollars) operation charge fee he was requesting. Therefore, we sought spiritual help from a total of six churches in Nairobi but there was no sign of any success forthcoming. The more we devoted ourselves to prayers, the more the problem became bigger. At this stage, my wife was bleeding uncontrollably. Later, a friend advised us to try herbal medicine which did not bear any fruit. We completely lost hope and depression started to increase its grip on us.

“In November 2012, the problem grew worse, forcing us to seek monetary assistance from friends and relatives so that my wife could be operated on at St. Mary’s Mission Hospital in Nairobi. Their charges seemed affordable – around Ksh. 30,000.00 (375 dollars). After raising the required amount my wife underwent the operation and was discharged on 21st November 2012. However, the doctors warned that she would likely be unable to conceive again because of the damage the fibroids had caused to her womb.

“One day I visited a church friend who had installed a satellite dish. While flipping through the available channels, we came across Emmanuel TV. The remarkable teachings, powerful deliverances, healing and touching testimonies instantly caught my attention. For the 3 hours I was in my friend’s house I heard sermon after sermon and saw miracle after miracle that strengthened my desire for God. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I could see people leave wheelchairs, cancer and demonic spirits submitting to the power of God – it was all amazing! What I read in the Bible, I could see it live. I felt a peace that I had never felt in my heart.

“From that day I was hooked to Emmanuel TV. Because I could not afford installing the satellite dish, I resorted to watching Emmanuel TV on the internet whenever I got some cash. I also downloaded Emmanuel TV clips from YouTube to burn onto DVDs to watch on my DVD player. I did not even mind that the videos were pixelated! We prayed along with man of God Prophet T.B Joshua every day as he prayed for viewers. All visitors that came to our house were also touched by the Emmanuel TV DVDs. They requested for the DVDs and I started duplicating those I had downloaded and giving them freely all over. They were all happy and amazed at the teaching, deliverance and healing.

“In March 2013 God had mercy on us. Through consistently watching downloaded Emmanuel TV prayers and praying along with the man of God Prophet T.B Joshua, to our amazement my wife missed her periods. After testing, it was confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. In the month of June our joy started to dim when my wife noticed some blood clots on her cloth after visiting the toilet.

“After two days, I bumped into a friend who informed me that the Emmanuel TV team were coming to Kenya to screen those who wished to visit The SCOAN. I didn’t have money for the trip but thank God, my friend who gave me the news made it to The SCOAN and brought us some DVDs, Anointing Water and an Anointing Sticker. My wife was on the verge of having another miscarriage. Thank God, we got the Anointing Water just in time! We read the Anointing Water booklet and by faith, I placed the Anointing Sticker on my wife’s stomach. We prayed together and ministered the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name.

“To our utter amazement, shortly afterwards the bleeding completely stopped! We prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua until the pregnancy progressed to a full 9 months. I testify that as the man of God Prophet T.B Joshua usually says, “Distance is not a barrier”. My wife finally gave birth to a bouncing boy called Micah Obadiah Joshua weighing 3.6 Kg at St. Mary’s Mission Hospital on 17th December 2013. According to the doctor, by the time she gave birth, there were again 20 other multiple uterine fibroids which were subsequently removed. It was amazing that this pregnancy was not terminated by uterine fibroids because of the Anointing Water!

“We are now proud parents of a 4 month old bouncing baby boy, born with absolutely no medical complication. As the man of God Prophet T.B Joshua usually says, “When our miracle is delayed, we should expect the mother of miracles”. Indeed, I attest that it is true! I really desire to come to SCOAN to testify to the whole world that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is bigger than all our problems. What seemed impossible to us was possible to God.”

“I thank Almighty God and our Saviour Jesus Christ forever for the life of Prophet T.B Joshua, the Wise Men and The SCOAN/ Emmanuel TV workers. I testify that God, through Emmanuel TV, is truly changing lives, changing nations and changing the world. Emmanuel!”


On Sunday 15th January 2012, at around 12pm, TB Joshua addressed the nation of Nigeria in his sermon, saying that the crisis and the restrictions are over. He said, “People of Nigeria – the issue of crisis, put it behind you. Some of you are worrying that you will not go out on Monday and that you will be restricted. No. God is on top of it. He is in control”. He said that there would be free movement on Monday and that the protests would be over as from Monday. He added that there would be a consensus between the government, labour leaders and civil society groups; they would agree to shift the ground.

He emphasised that the lesson we can learn from this is that in this world, anything can happen. He said: “What we have experienced last week, we have never experienced in this country. Therefore, in everything remember God. When you are eating, when you are sitting, remember God”.