Released From Prison!

Here is the testimony of a young man whose brother was miraculously released from an Indian prison after he attended The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water.

“Emmanuel!!! My names are Mr Lucky Ikeifun and I hale from Edo State, Nigeria although I presently reside in Delta State. I was among those that attended the Monday Live Service on 1st October 2012, which is equally Nigeria’s Independence Day! When the man of God Prophet T.B Joshua was in the midst of the congregation giving prophecy to the people, the moment he came towards my direction, with faith I knelt down and raised up the photograph of my brother who had been imprisoned in India for three months. He prayed for me and touched the picture, and I also received prayer from the Wise Men.

“I was also privileged to have the Anointing Water which I went home with and continued to minister on my brother’s photograph. Behold, shortly afterwards, I received a phone call from the brother in question testifying that he had been suddenly released from prison in India. It was a real miracle because he was told when he was arrested that he could expect up to 10 years in prison if found guilty for the crime he was accused of. I want to thank the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua for setting my brother free after months of imprisonment. Thank You, Jesus!”

 Mr Lucky Ikeifun – Edo, Nigeria


Mary lay uncomfortably on the couch in her sitting room, her body aching in pain. For the past two weeks, she had been struck by an ailment that had sapped her strength and rendered her unable to discharge her daily duties. Switching on her television to Emmanuel TV, she beheld a welcome sight. It was the Monday Live Prophetic Service. Moments after watching, Mary saw Prophet T.B. Joshua enter into The SCOAN. Songs of praise to God Almighty filled the auditorium and the joy seemed to radiate right through the television into her room. Then she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua begin to dance…

“Emmanuel! Praise God, people of God! I have a wonderful testimony to share to the glory of God. On Monday 13th August 2012, I was sleeping on my couch. I had not been feeling well for almost two weeks and I was in serious pain. My whole body was aching, especially my legs. I decided to watch the Monday Live Service on Emmanuel TV lying on the couch because I had no strength to stand.

“Then, when Prophet T.B. Joshua came out, I saw him dancing to the music with the congregation rejoicing. As soon as I saw Prophet T.B. Joshua dancing, I said to myself, ‘Ah! The Prophet is dancing!’ I don’t know what got into me but I jumped up from the couch and started dancing with him, imitating his dance moves! I don’t know where I got such strength to dance! Later on, the praise and worship team began singing, ‘Look at me O lord and answer my prayer; restore my strength, don’t let me down.’ I reached out and touched the screen of Emmanuel TV, praying and singing in faith. Suddenly, supernatural strength just seemed to leap from the television and into me and I began to move my body freely and praise God.

“People of God, as I write this email, I am so full of joy! I am healed and there is no more pain whatsoever. I don’t even know how to express myself! I give glory to God. Thank You, Jesus! My advice to the whole world is to believe that truly distance is not a barrier for the power of God. We thank You, Lord, for anointing Prophet T.B. Joshua in our generation today.  Just imagine – by dancing along with him, I was completely healed!”

Mary – Zimbabwe



Read this stirring account of how a  twisted and tormented life can be transformed in just a moment, how a marriage on the rocks can be resurrected and how a life of bondage can be given liberation forever. Here is an Emmanuel TV story sure to stir wonder in the depths of your heart, bring a tear to your eye and leave you in awe of an awesome God.  

Life was literally hellish for Maria Chisanga, her volatile husband dealing her verbal and physical abuse again in a fit of drunken madness. Their marriage had not started on such a chaotic note but alcohol had slowly consumed, overtaken and destroyed him. Alex was not the same man she had first met. For the young Zambian couple, already with two kids, the situation was dire and the marriage at the point of breaking beyond repair. “I don’t know whether it was due to the money I started having”, Alex reminisced. “but the moment we had our second kid, problems started coming and I started drinking. I was going out every night with friends and they influenced me to drink. From that time, things started to go downhill. The deeper it went, the worse life became and I started drinking badly. It was uncontrollable”.

As the alcohol clouded his judgement and veiled his values, Alex started going regularly outside his marital home, eloping with different women on various occasions, including the younger sister of Maria’s closest friend. He had three children outside of wedlock. “Eventually I ran away from my house, with my wife crying bitterly. They went to my father and different pastors – still they couldn’t stop me. You know, when you are carried away – you are gone.” Alex finally left his house in disarray, with his five children from Maria becoming virtually fatherless. “I was still financially supporting my wife, but soon stopped because I was with other women. That’s when I moved completely to Botswana and forgot about taking care of her and the children completely.”

Each attempted return to reconcile resulted in more strife and fights. Maria eventually made the decision to her hometown. “When my husband started drinking, it was horrible,” Maria soberly stated. “It was a time of crying, a time of crises, a very hard time for me. We were fighting and shouting at each other every day. He was beating me any time he felt like it. My children were so much affected by the drinking of their father. They came to the point of telling me, ‘Mummy – if you can leave this man, I think it would be better for you – because this man is beating you and bringing so many problems in our lives today.’ Even paying their school fees was a problem. Eating was a problem. He was beating me so much and I got tired. I prayed and prayed until I got tired and decided to leave the marriage.”

In bondage to beer...

If anyone is in a position to explain the devastating and destructive effect of alcohol abuse, it is Alex Chisanga. With turmoil throughout his home and life, Alex habit of extreme drinking established itself devilishly in his life. He literally existed in a state of delirium, dependent on the next beer-binge. “There was not a day that I did not drink,” he vividly explained. “The time I am talking with you now, maybe a carton would be gone. You know, when I got paid, I would buy some cartons and put them in the fridge instead of buying food. I might go and get five or six cartons and put them in the fridge. It came to the extent that I could not even sit like this without having a beer because I would be shaking. I needed to have a beer with me.  When I was going to the toilet, I would carry a beer. It came to a time when I couldn’t even cook for myself. I had to go out and buy food before I could eat. Sometimes, I would spend two or three days without food but beer was there. Even when I was going to bed, when I slept, I would be having a bottle with me. As I would be trying to sleep, I would be drinking. In the night, all I would dream of was beer. And the moment I woke up, I would start. Sometimes, the bottle would fall from my hands in the night. You would just get up in the morning and see the mess, go to the fridge and get another one. I couldn’t live without beer. Like you are sitting down now – I couldn’t. I needed to have it with me. I needed to have it in my stomach – if I didn’t, I would become something else. I would become wild.”

As to be expected, the extreme addiction had taken its toll on him both physically and psychologically, with regular thoughts of suicide whirling within his head. “Physically, I was not normal. There were times when I would feel like a mad person. All it would tell you – go to the fridge, it is there. I even went bankrupt because of my alcohol addiction. If it was not there and you didn’t have money in the bank, I would force myself to go and sell something so that at least, it would be there. It must be there. My vehicle – I sold it because of that. We had two fridges; I sold one of them. I sold everything to buy beer. I was only left with my TV and a bed to sleep in. If you came close to me, you would sense the smell of my beer. It got to the extent that my whole body smelt of beer because sometimes I wouldn’t bathe. I would start to have a headache that was unstoppable – then something would come to m and tell me to get rid of my life.” Even while performing his duties as a heavy truck driver, Alex would drive under the influence of alcohol; astonishingly however, he was able to avoid accidents. “I used to hide alcohol at work. Even when I was driving, behind my seat you would find a carton of my beer.”

The downward spiral continued for Alex, bound in what could be termed as slavery to the spirit of alcohol that had totally engulfed his existence. It was the December of 2008 – over three years since he had last seen or spoken to his wife when his life dramatically changed. “One Sunday morning, a friend of mine came to find out whether I was at home,” explained Alex, who had been drinking throughout the nights of Friday and Saturday. “He asked me if I had a decoder in my living room.” In tune with his answer, the friend entered his house and fiddled with the apparatus before tuning in to a particular television station. “He increased the volume and then joined me outside on the veranda where I was drinking. After a while, he heard the voice of the man of God preaching.” Alex’s friend had tuned to Emmanuel TV, and it was the start of a live Sunday Service from The SCOAN with Prophet T.B. Joshua. “By the time he heard the man of God say, ‘Distance is not a barrier! Let us pray for the viewers’ – he said to me, ‘Alex – you need to come and watch this.’ ” Literally forcing the reluctant drunkard to enter his house, his friend brought him before the television. “He told me: ‘Come – I need you to touch the screen’. I told him, ‘No, let me just watch the man.’ Then he just grabbed my hand and forcefully put it on the screen. At that moment, the man of God said: ‘Whatever is not of Jesus – out!’ That’s when I went out on the ground.” Rolling uncontrollably on the floor of his living room, Alex was receiving a remarkable deliverance as a church service some thousands of miles away in Lagos, Nigeria progressed. The spirits tormenting his life and family were being chased out. “I must have been there for over 10 minutes. All I remember is that the man of God shouted, ‘In the name of Jesus – you are free’ and I just woke up at once, sweating profusely.”

Alex slowly got up, several neighbours having gathered due to the commotion, stared at him in amazement. The darkness that clouded his blood-shot eyes had gone. “I looked around and the first thing I asked was: ‘Where is my wife?’ My friend who had put on Emmanuel TV and all my neighbours started crying. They told me ‘Alex, your wife left you over three years ago.’ I couldn’t believe it. I went to the bedroom and started checking for my wife’s clothes. Then I discovered it was true – my wife was no longer with me. I began to cry.” Alex asked for a drink of water and a disbelieving neighbour brought out both bottles of water and beer, asking him to choose. He chose water.

The following day, Alex took a fortnight’s leave from work and started a desperate journey back to Zambia to find his wife. Discovering that his five children were scattered throughout the community and that his wife had returned to her father’s house, he set out to meet her. The passion to reunite was so deep that the journey of four days took him only two, to the point where he was 15km from the village of his father-in-law but with no transport available. “I walked the 15km on foot with the rain pouring and soaking me throughout. It was 1.00 when I finally arrived.” In the dead of night, Alex stood before his wife’s house and cried out. “When my father-in-law heard my voice, he said, ‘Alex, is that you?’ He then turned to shout, ‘Maria – your husband is here!’ ” It was a glorious moment, an unprecedented reconciliation upon 10 minutes in front of a unique television station. “Everyone was crying and we were hugging one another. In the morning, we had a meeting as a family. I had to explain to them what happened and how I got delivered through Emmanuel TV. They were surprised because what they heard about me and what they were seeing was a totally different thing. I knelt and apologised in the presence of the family, but my father-in-law stood me up and said: You remain our son. They killed a goat and we ate and celebrated together.” “It was a wonderful day,” recalled Maria. “Despite all that had happened, we were so happy to see him back in our lives – because we didn’t stop loving him. We were always praying for him and asking God to intervene in his situation – and He did!” After one week, the reunited couple returned to Botswana.

A family reconciled

Alex’s remarkable encounter with God through Emmanuel TV signalled the last alcoholic drink he took, as well as the birth of a new relationship with Maria. “It’s like we have just been married. I never realised before how beautiful my wife is! Now when I am off work, I will be in the house, working and eating together with her. I also reunited with my children, and they came back to spend holidays with us.” It can be genuinely called a total transformation. “Thank God for the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV for what they have done – they have brought life to my life. I was a dead person who had nothing in the head apart from beer – beer was my focus. If I didn’t have a beer, I didn’t have anything. But today, I am a different person, I don’t even think about beer anymore, not a single craving.” For Maria, it’s as if she has a new husband. “There is a big, big difference in his life – now he is a new man. We can share the Bible together; we can pray together, we can do all things together. No more drinking. No more fighting. No more shouting. He is even a preacher of the Word of God now! We are enjoying our relationship!”

Her advice to couples about entering marriage is on the necessity of involving God. “I will advise those who are entering into marriage to invite God into their life, because a marriage without God has a limit but with God – all things are possible. To my fellow people out there, hold fast to God – our God is a good God, He never fails. Jesus is a conqueror – and once you believe in Him, you too are a conqueror with Him.”

Alex’s advice, informed by an unforgettable life-experience, is simple: “Thank God that I can give you these words of advice: do not go into alcohol. Rather choose the Lord Jesus Christ, who will give you life, who will give light to your future. Not beer – beer doesn’t give life. Beer only spoils your life and kills you in a manner that the more beer you drink, the older you become, the more you destroy yourself – your life will be miserable. Let’s hold fast to God, not the things of this world. Let’s have a new life in Him that will never put us in misery, a new life that will always bring joy and happiness. God created us in His own image and He wants us to follow His ways. How lucky we are that we are given Emmanuel TV! We’ve been given the prophet – Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua. He is not the prophet of Nigeria; he is a prophet of all nations. He is a prophet that is given to us to change our lives. Like me personally speaking now – if you saw me some years ago, you would shed tears. The tears you would be shedding are tears of joy that Emmanuel TV and its partners with Prophet T.B. Joshua have brought life to me today. I, Alex, am alive today because of Emmanuel TV. All I can say is thank you! I thank Jesus for saving my life and for giving me another chance!”


The congregation was eagerly anticipating what the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua would say regarding the crisis in Nigeria, knowing that as ever, he would speak forth God’s opinion concerning the situation at hand.
In the first part of the message to the nation of Nigeria which dwelt on the political situation in Nigeria, the prophet said, ‘Nigeria has prayed and hoped but the thing that is yet to be done is to apply love’. Quoting 1 Corinthians 13:13, he said there are only three things in this earth that will last and these are faith, hope and love. The greatest among them, he said, is love. In his words, we need to make the greatest sacrifice. Our president is the person who should make the greatest sacrifice and other participants will follow. The message to Nigeria is compromise; love is compromise, to give chance for peace in the interest of the nation. In close reference to the Bible, he said Jesus gave chance for peace when he said, ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s’. By compromise, he elaborated, we must shift ground. We should not give the impression of embarrassing the president and the other participants in the crisis. To achieve this easily, our president must rely more on politicians than on technocrats because it is a game.

In the second part of the message, the prophet dwelt on our relationship with Jesus. According to him, Jesus said to Peter, “Do you love me?” Peter replied, “You know I love You Lord”. Jesus said, “If you love Me, feed My lambs”. In the nation, we need to apply love, the greatest sacrifice, by shifting ground, by compromise. In the prophet’s words, Jesus asked Peter one of the most significant, penetrating and, in fact, the most dangerous questions ever asked, “Do you love me?” Jesus asked Peter three times and Peter replied positively three times. Jesus responded by giving Peter a responsibility- keep My lambs, shepherd My sheep and feed My sheep. This means, he explained, before we can be responsible to Jesus, it must be because of our love for Him. Whatsoever you do or fail to do to the least of your fellow brothers, that you do unto Jesus. This means if you dupe your fellow brother, then you dupe Jesus. If you care for your fellow brothers, then you care for Jesus. Jesus did not ask Peter if he was a gifted speaker or had the ability to speak fluently, flawlessly or eloquently. He never asked him about his Bible or seminary knowledge either. All these are important but they are not the issue. The essential quality you need is found in Jesus’ question, “Do you love Me?”
Whatsoever you do to the needy, that you do unto Jesus. What is your relationship with Jesus? The prophet asked. Speaking further, he said he did not know how one could prosper in life without these qualities in the ministry of the Gospel and that of charity. Whether educated or not, a farmer or professor, there is hope in loving Jesus. He therefore advised the congregation to stop complaining about their backgrounds or other disadvantages.  Jesus repeated the question so that the concept would be crystal clear. Jesus wanted us to know that love is the centre. Christianity is a relationship; you cannot have Christianity without love. A person who does not love cannot be entrusted with the power to deliver, heal or bless.
The prophet capped his message with a video clip of a high court judge in Ghana who shelved his social status and travelled far to the Volta Region of Ghana by the dusty roads and by river to give to the needy and elders in Chindere, Ghana. Justice John Ajet-Nasam and other Emmanuel TV Partners brought rice and other food to the elders in the Volta Region for the people in the community.

Concluding his message with the situation in Nigeria, the prophet asserted that the national protest and strike in Nigeria was over as God Himself was on top of it. He reminded his listeners that the lesson the nation can learn out of this is that anything can happen. Therefore, in everything, we should remember God.

In a brief message during the second service, Wise Man Harry reiterated that broken focus is the real reason that many people fail. He quoted Philippians. 3:13-14 to back up his case. According to him, you cannot look in different directions at the same time. He told his listeners that as Christians, God has disconnected them from their past and given birth to their future. He advised them to chart a clear objective in life and follow the direction of their calling in order to make a difference in their worlds.

A video clip showed Wise Man Harry giving prophecy to a couple. Speaking to the man, the wise man told him that he could see a manhood problem in him and secondly, after he had finished urinating and pulled up his trousers,  urine would still come out  afterwards and stain his trousers. The problem of manhood, according to the prophecy, had caused fighting between the couple. At the end of the prophecy, prayed for Mr Asekome and he received his deliverance, in Jesus’ name. Coming into the open to confirm the prophecy, Mr Asekome said he had had the problem of poor erection for years because of staphylococcus. The couple had consequently been barren and gone to places in search of a solution. They came to The SCOAN as part of their efforts to end the barrenness. Meeting at home as a couple after the prophecy and deliverance, the family of Asekome received the good news at the end of the same month, that Mrs. Asekome was pregnant. Unable to hide their joy after many years of barrenness, the couple encouraged those watching them who might have similar problems to hold on to their hope and continue to trust in God.


David  and Franca from Ghana gave a testimony about the Anointing Water. David’s problem was low sperm count which caused the couple to be barren for years in spite of their yearnings and efforts to bear children. However, after watching Emmanuel TV in their home, the couple journeyed to The SCOAN in their continued efforts to end the barrenness. They received the Anointing Water in The SCOAN and went back to their home in Ghana where they prayed with the Anointing Water and ministered it to themselves. After a month, Franca became pregnant. Confirming the testimony as told by her husband, Franca, in unison with her husband, thanked the Lord for being so merciful to them.

Mr Austin Jerry Okoro, a Nigerian resident in South Africa, was privileged to receive the Anointing Sticker from a relative. As providence would have it, he stuck the Anointing Sticker to the windshield of his car. In June, Mr Okoro was involved in a very serious accident with the car. The accident made the car fly over a brick wall and hit a tree, causing it to be smashed, dented and so disfigured that it gave the immediate impression of having lost the lives of all its passengers in the accident.  All those who were alerted by the scene never thought there would be a survivor in the accident. Fortunately Mr Okoro, the owner and sole traveller in the car, did not even have a scratch on him due to the accident. Surprised and confused, his sympathisers advised him to go to a doctor for a medical check up in case he had an internal injury. When he was taken to a hospital for that, it was confirmed that he hardly sustained any injury in the accident. According to him, Jesus saved his life  through the medium of the Anointing Sticker he received from The SCOAN. He consequently advised his listeners to watch Emmanuel TV, letting them know that God can use any medium to heal, bless and deliver them.

In the mass prayer collectively led by the wise men, they focused on the various areas of life where people have problems and cited relevant portions in the Bible to prove that demons are the causes of the problems people experience. They therefore prayed fervently with the congregation and Emmanuel TV viewers worldwide to command satan out of their lives for them to live according to the will of God in their destiny. In course of the mass prayer, many vomited out the poisonous substances freeing them from the sicknesses in which they were held in bondage for a long time. Assured that every participant in the mass prayer had been dislodged from the grip of satan, Wise Man Racine said the grace.


On Sunday 15th January 2012, at around 12pm, TB Joshua addressed the nation of Nigeria in his sermon, saying that the crisis and the restrictions are over. He said, “People of Nigeria – the issue of crisis, put it behind you. Some of you are worrying that you will not go out on Monday and that you will be restricted. No. God is on top of it. He is in control”. He said that there would be free movement on Monday and that the protests would be over as from Monday. He added that there would be a consensus between the government, labour leaders and civil society groups; they would agree to shift the ground.

He emphasised that the lesson we can learn from this is that in this world, anything can happen. He said: “What we have experienced last week, we have never experienced in this country. Therefore, in everything remember God. When you are eating, when you are sitting, remember God”.


Wise Man Christopher

Wise Man Christopher

Wise Man Christopher, with his usual fervour, issued his message which he titled, ‘The Weapons Of Our Warfare’ to the congregation and cited many portions of the Bible to make his case clear. In his words, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual through God in pulling down every demonic stronghold. The Word, he clarified, is not on the written page of the Bible but in the lips of the believers. As Christians, you need to fill your mind and heart with the Word to speak it. In Matthew 4 : 1-11, Jesus gave Christians the battle plan when He spoke directly to the devil in the wilderness. You need to learn the value of God’s Word on your lips to confront the devil victoriously. In Ephesians 6:17, the Bible tells us that those who overcome satan will be required to use the power of the spoken Word. David, in 1 Samuel 17:45 – 50 used the Word of God in his heart as a weapon to defeat Goliath. David’s first victory was therefore in the choice of the right weapon, which was the Word of God on his lips. As Christians, Jesus has given us the Word of God as a special weapon that no power of satan can withstand. Whatever your giant or mountain, you, as a Christian, can address it with the Word of God and achieve total victory. Prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit is the most formidable weapon, the wise man concluded his message.


A week after her deliverance, Mrs Josephine Eseme Jimmy, standing beside her husband, happily gave thanks to God for her deliverance as, according to her, the urge to eat her hair had completely disappeared. Josephine came to The SCOAN the previous Sunday for deliverance from addiction to eating her hair, including those on her head, armpits and private parts. She said the addiction took form after she heard a voice ordering her to eat her hair. The unusual behaviour was cultivated before her marriage and had continued since then for a length of 23 years. After her confession, Josephine was delivered in the mighty name of Jesus by Prophet T.B. Joshua who told her that she was free and would not eat her hair anymore. She said that in her dream two days after the deliverance, the demon appeared to her to lure her to the old act but immediately, the man of God also appeared and the demon ran in fear. The man of God then held her and she woke from sleep. That was the end of her addiction to eating her hair. The couple thanked the prophet one more time for being used by Jesus to bring about her deliverance. In reaction, the prophet once more established the difference between authority and power. In his words, knowing facts about Jesus does not change your relationship with Him. He however added that your reward for a relationship with Jesus is power.


A video clip on the events of the previous Sunday service showed Wise Man Daniel as he laid hands on the congregants. A woman among them,Mrs Alberta Boakye from Ghana reacted by manifesting the spiritual husband in her.

The spirit, speaking through her, said Alberta was his wife who disobeyed her to marry an earthly husband. The spirit added that it had destroyed the husband’s ministry for that reason. The spirit also said their second child could not learn because of the punishment by the spiritual husband. She was then delivered after prayer from Wise Man Daniel. Standing by her pastor husband as she gave her testimony, Alberta revealed that she sensed the spiritual husband in her life at the age of 16 when it used to have sex with her in her dreams. The spirit had been a thorn in their marriage of ten years, causing her to inflict emotional pain on her husband all the time. Under the influence of the spirit, she became the husband and took delight in issuing orders to her husband and beating him. She was however relieved to be free after her deliverance.

In response to the prophet, Pastor Nicholas the husband chronicled all the shameful treatment his wife inflicted on him under the influence of the spiritual husband. She would wake up and ask her husband in the dead of night to clean the house and wash the dishes. When she knew it was fasting time for her husband, she would deliberately set food before him to break the fast unjustifiably. Either she would meet the husband in the church to fight and embarrass him or prevent him by force from going to church after he was ready. On such occasions, the pastor whose church had branches in other countries, would call his fellow pastors in the church to ask them to carry on as he was still ‘waiting on God’. He lost his congregation to other churches and the branches closed because of the wife’s abnormal behaviour. A king of the community who attended his church withdrew his membership because of the wife’s behaviour. After praying for the deliverance of the pastor, Prophet T.B. Joshua assured him that he would assist him to reactivate his ministry and re-open the branches. Asked to comment on her husband’s confession, Alberta, in unmistakable remorse said, ‘I feel bad and sad’ and bemoaned satan for all that her husband had suffered in her hands. Prophet T.B. Joshua ended the episode by explaining that it was the evil spirit inside the wife that was responsible and now that she was delivered, her husband should not remind her of the past.


Mr Solomon Ogheneovo

A man from Delta, Nigeria, Solomon Ogheneovo by name, told the congregation of himself as a victim of the spirit of masturbation for 24 years. He thought that getting married would stop the embarrassing act but in fact, it continued. Even after marriage, he masturbated at least every day. After unsuccessful efforts, which included fasting and prayer, on his part to stop it, he finally decided to seek the face of the Lord in The SCOAN. After receiving the Anointing Water, he gathered his family and they prayed with it. That prayer, according to him, marked the end of his masturbation. He thanked God for using the prophet to bring an end to this torment in his life.


Mrs Mercy Anthony

Mrs Mercy Anthony told listeners how she regained her menstruation which ceased for seven years, completely unresponsive to her efforts to reactivate it. She said a good Samaritan gave her a virtually empty bottle of the Anointing Water which she topped with water, prayed with and ministered on herself. Following that, her menstruation miraculously reappeared. She ended her testimony by advising all her listeners to trust God who has an answer to whatever problems they might have.


Rahamat Yusuf Suleiman had an accident in April which, among other injuries, affected her memory. This affected her reading and preparation for her promotion examination in her workplace. The result was that she failed the examination and was denied promotion. After efforts elsewhere to find a cure had failed, she sent a friend to The SCOAN for the Anointing Water.

On receiving the Anointing Water, she prayed with it and sprayed it on herself, particularly her forehead. Soon after, to her amazement, she vomited an earthworm. The Anointing Water gave her total healing and following her prayer with it before going for another promotion examination in her workplace, she found the questions the same as the ones she had read, making her pass the examination with ease. As she gave her testimony, Rahamat displayed her promotion letter which was the outcome of her success in the examination. Rahamat advised her listeners to go to the Lord always for a solution to their problems.


The Emmanuel TV Team and Partners as usual filled trailers with gifts of rice, flour and other food items and transported them to the elderly and physically challenged both within Nigeria and internationally.

Yobe rice trailer 2

Yobe rice trailer 1

Borno rice trailer 1

Two of the many states in Nigeria that were visited by The Emmanuel TV Team were Yobe and Borno in the far north of the country. The team set off with two trailers each filled to capacity with rice and flour, in addition to cash gifts. The venue for the meeting with the Emmanuel TV Team was General Hospital Leprosy Centre, Maiduguri. People gathered from all around Borno State to attend the meeting.

Borno rice trailer 2

The team sent by T.B. Joshua presented the community leaders with cash gifts and the bags of rice were distributed among everyone, regardless of race, faith or background. The Bible teaches us that we should love our neighbours as ourselves. In the same vein, various gifts were also dispatched to the needy and elderly people in Kremenchuk, Ukraine. In the Asian continent, Lahore, Pakistan was also visited with bags of rice, flour and other gift items.


In the course of the service, five visually impaired students from the University of Jos were led to the platform where they narrated their financial problems as students, one after another.

Yakubu, a student of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, was the first to bare his mind about his financial needs as a student and concluded that he needed the sum of N92,000.00 to pay his school fees and solve other problems as a student. The rest, in turn, also spoke, explaining that as students, even the money to release their results was hard to come by. Upon listening to their complaint, the prophet directed that their needs be met. Consequently, a total sum of N284,300.00 and bags of rice were disbursed among them.


T.B Joshua

Praying in the power of the Holy Spirit, Prophet T.B. Joshua led the congregation and viewers worldwide in a powerful time of mass prayer. Many vomited the poisons long buried in their systems, thus receiving their freedom. The prophet prayed for the total release of his listeners in many areas of their lives, including their finances, businesses, marital lives among others. He also prayed for the restoration of their destinies and health. In the course of the mass prayer, the prophet issued prophecies to some people who, in reaction came forward to confirm the prophecies. Confirming that the entire congregation had been delivered and was free, the prophet proceeded to say the grace and bring the service to a close.


Wise Man Christopher opened the service by assuring the congregation that satanic authorities over their homes and businesses would be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ.
He started his message by saying that there are two classes of people seeking a solution. The first class does not identify the cause of the problem but the second does and as a result receives a permanent solution

The wise man chose ‘The Permanent Solution’ as the title of his message and opened his Bible to Mark 2:1-5 as the proof text. He explained that the permanent or lasting solution gives lasting prosperity, healing, peace and blessing forever. Citing Romans 5:12, he said man has lost the lasting relationship with God through sin. In his words, Jesus came because the relationship between God and man was broken. His mission was to restore the relationship. Jesus Christ needed love, forgiveness and grace to restore the broken relationship. This, he said, is echoed in Luke 23:24 where Christ said, ‘Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing’. This statement, the wise man said, applies to everybody today. Building on this, Wise Man Christopher advised that we must show forgiveness in our relationships; for where there is forgiveness there is a solution. Forgiveness of sin deals with the cause of the problem. Jesus identified sin (Mark 2:2-5) as the cause of the sickness of the paralytic. Those seeking a solution to their problem should identify the cause and seek a lasting solution to it. Problems recur because people never identified the causes and dealt with them. This is why many people who are blessed today become poor tomorrow, a healthy man relapses into sickness and a landlord becomes a tenant. This is also why people bother about blessing rather than sin which is the cause of poverty; comfort rather than sin, the cause of discomfort. Sin in the soul is the cause of sickness, poverty, career failure and instability in economic life. Bothering about a problem without identifying the cause cannot give a permanent solution.God separated light from darkness (Genesis 1:3-5). When we sin, we belong to the kingdom of darkness. Jesus is the way out of darkness. In Ephesians 5:8, those in darkness because of sin were released into light in the Lord. Jesus, the glorious Light, has come to dispel all darkness. When born again, we are taken from the satanic kingdom of darkness. This is a reality, not an idle imagination. We cannot receive it by merit but by the grace of God. By grace we are called to be forgiven. King David knew this in Psalm 51 where he pleaded for God’s mercy. To King David the mercy of God was like a blank cheque for prosperity and the goodness of life. He was simply confessing his sins for the salvation of his soul. We should not doubt God’s desire and ability to help us. We should consequently not leave any sin in our heart without confessing it. Let us admit that we are guilty and trust in God’s ability to make us clean. What happens to you if you have everything while yet in sin? Whatever you have will face greater challenges that your fame cannot stand (Romans 6:2-3). Christianity is a relationship with Jesus that lasts forever. You need cleansing to enjoy the relationship and all its blessings. The comforts of this world cannot earn you peace. Many are on the sickbed in spite of their wealth and position. Jesus Christ is the permanent solution. When He heals you, He does so effectually and when He blesses you, it is forever. Follow Jesus for He is the road map to the lost, the bread to the hungry and the water to the thirsty. The wise man rounded off his message by praying for his listeners to embrace Jesus, the permanent solution.

T. B. Joshua assured the congregation that God who makes a difference in people’s lives was stepping into their situation to make poverty, hardship, sickness, and all forms of limitation things of the past. Whatever the situation, he said, God has stepped into it to make a difference in your life. God’s power is so real, authentic and forceful that it cannot be limited by time or space.

The congregation and viewers worldwide then listened to Mr & Mrs Onokohoa who told the tale of a troubled marriage and gave testimony to the mighty deliverance they had received after receiving prayer from Wise Man John Chi. A video clip showed an episode where Wise Man John Chi met a woman as he laid hands on the congregants. The reaction to the prayer was not from the woman but the spiritual husband in her. In anger, the evil spirit told listeners that he married the woman years back in her childhood but somebody brought her to church for deliverance against his will. The spirit went further to disclose the havoc he had done in her life, killing her child and destroying her, as she wanted to free herself from his grip. In response to the wise man’s questions, the woman, under the influence of the evil spirit, disowned her earthly husband and identified clearly with the spiritual one who even warned her not to go close to the earthly husband. The evil spirit told listeners that he had put something in her waist that disturbed the development of her unborn baby and caused her to menstruate while pregnant. As the evil spirit was commanded to leave the woman in the name of Jesus, it shouted ‘I surrender’ and she fell down. Mrs Faith Onokohoa from Bayelsa, Nigeria and her husband then came into the open to confirm the deliverance and share her experiences. In addition to confirming all the evil spirit had said, Faith said the spirit made her lose affection for her husband because it had always laid between them at night and took over the husband’s marital role. For over three months, she never had any sexual intimacy with her husband as a couple. She would also eat in her dreams. All their efforts to free her from the malevolent grip of the evil spirit remained unsuccessful until they came to The SCOAN after watching Emmanuel TV in their home. In his testimony, her husband, Mr Francis Onokohoa added that at night, he would feel the vibration and creaking of their bed even when his wife was apparently enjoying her sleep. In addition, he confessed, the evil spirit gave him weak erection. The couple however confessed that after the deliverance the relationship between them became very normal. As well as confessing feeling lighter after the deliverance, Mrs Onokohua advised all those who had similar problems to look up to God and trust Him for a solution.

Mrs Antoinette Koko, from South Africa mounted the platform and stunned her listeners that she had come to The SCOAN with the problem of addiction to eating ice cubes for the past fifteen years. The addiction to eating ice cubes, according to her, started in 1996 in a restaurant where she and a friend of hers used to spend time together often drinking cold drinks and eating ice cubes. It soon became a habit. However, while her friend soon dropped the habit, Antoinette’s grew stronger and led to an uncontrollable addiction. Even as a wife to a medical doctor, she kept ice cubes in her deep freezer to satisfy her appetite in disregard of her husband’s warning against it. She ate an average of 3kg of ice cubes daily and preferred to eat ice than food. She fainted twice because of the habit leading to blood transfusion on two occasions. She was however unable to stop and none of the places they went to for a solution were helpful. The congregation sat shocked as they watched a video clip of Antoinette a day earlier, consuming a whole bowl of ice cubes, crunching them just as if they were biscuits. During deliverance, the prophet invited her for a handshake with him but as she came close, her outstretched hand started shivering and later she fell down and the evil spirit that had caused this addiction in her life left her forever. After her deliverance, she was offered another bowl of ice cubes, but after putting one into her mouth, repulsed by the now unpleasant experience, she spat it out again, declaring that she no longer had the desire to eat ice cubes. “Before it was like food to me, but now it is just like water” she said, with tears in her eyes, as she glorified God for what He had done.

In succession to Mrs Koko, Mrs Miriam Akande of Osun State, Nigeria came forward with her daughter to plead with the pastor, Prophet T. B. Joshua for the deliverance of her daughter, Miss Miracle Akande whom she said had cultivated the habit of sniffing and eating marker pens. The mother said she was very depressed when she discovered her daughter’s habit. She said the Lord led her to The SCOAN where the Lord said a new thing would happen in her life. She added that her daughter would sniff as many marker pens as she laid her hands on, easily able to consume more than 8 pens per day. Her daughter also enjoyed the smell of petrol, kerosene and methylated spirits.In her confession, Miracle disclosed that the habit started in class when they noticed an unusual odour. Later, it was discovered that it was their teacher’s leaking marker that caused the odour. Unlike the rest of the class, Miracle enjoyed the smell, formed the habit outside the class, and enjoyed it for one and a half years. One of the results of the addiction was that her academic performance had declined. A video was shown of how Miracle would first excitedly sniff a marker pen and then chew it until all the ink had gone.

T.B. Joshua then prayed for her in the power of the Holy Spirit and she fell to the ground. She stood up, delivered and free from the spirit that had been tormenting her. She was offered some marker pens but she immediately shunned the offer and then advised other children to heed the advice of their parents as they were interested in their welfare.



Mrs Elizabeth Kanberuka of Namibia also testified to her healing from a uterine fibroid which had caused headaches and vomiting before she would menstruate. The doctor who confirmed her uterine fibroid and tubal blockage had advised her to go for an operation. She however decided to come to The SCOAN where she received the Anointing Water. After prayer at home, she ministered the Anointing Water on herself. When she went for a test later, she was told that she no longer had the problem of uterine fibroid, that her tubes were now normal and that an operation was no longer needed. She advised her listeners and Emmanuel TV viewers worldwide to believe and trust God, even in the midst of their problems

Mr Innocent Mukanganwa happily addressed his listeners from the platform about the miracle he received by ministering the Anointing Water, in Jesus’ name. He entered into a competition with his five-months of driving experience among other more qualified and seasoned drivers some with many years of driving experience. Lo and behold, he clinched the prize as Zimbabwe’s best police driver of the year.

Prophet T.B. Joshua told viewers worldwide that now was the time to break generational curses and rewrite family histories of limitation, hardship, poverty, sickness and backwardness.
He led the congregation and the viewers as the real, authentic and forceful power of God wrought miracles, signs and wonders blessing the lives of all present and watching worldwide.

The congregation dispersed thanking God individually from the bottom of their hearts for the grace of witnessing the evidence that truly, distance, time and circumstance are no barrier to the power of God. To the Lord’s power, nothing is impossible.


After the choir had prepared the atmosphere with tunes for the Holy Spirit,  Wise Man Christopher emerged for the Sunday message. Greeting the congregation warmly and wishing them easy transformation from darkness to light, he proceeded to pray with them. ‘I believe in your Word’, he went on, as the congregation repeated after him. ‘In your Word is my salvation, redemption and victory’, the wise man took the congregation through a length of heart- lifting prayer to the Lord. Beginning with a short story of a Christian friend who wondered why he had trials in his life in spite of his devotion to the work of God, the wise man advised that trials and tribulations were part of Christianity. In his words, the Bible says everyone who works with the Lord will have testing but that as a child of God, your trouble is not like others’; it is for the glory of God. Trouble comes not because of any wrong step but because we are in a complex and contradictory world. The children of God, according to him, are passing through this world to a place prepared for them. This Is Not Heaven, he aptly titled his message. Citing John 16:33 as his proof text, the wise man said Jesus overcame for us and so we shall overcome, though there will be disappointments, as said in the proof text. In 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Apostle Paul derived strength from the Lord. My grace is made perfect in your weakness. Though Apostle Paul was tormented by a thorn in his flesh, the grace of Christ was sufficient for him  and so for us, the wise man affirmed. Continuing, he said the thorn of Christ makes easy and sanctifies our thorns. Jesus took our place in afflictions. Troubles are designed for our spiritual development and  to advance our course. Our situation could be to humble us but to leave us dignified at last. Spiritual burdens are ordered to cure spiritual pride. He allows poverty and setback to humble us. He will however, prepare us for it. Those God calls for service, He makes fit for it, Deuteronomy 28:7. The enemies will come in a united manner but they will be confounded and routed by the superior power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is greater than all the combined forces of hell. He has conquered death for our sake to bring us to the Father. To hope is to look forward to a Heavenly home that will last forever.  Stones were hurled at Stephen but his affection for God’s command was regular because of his hope, Acts 7:54. In Romans 8:35-39, Paul advised Christians to keep the solid front in the face of sickness. The rich should not concentrate on their wealth or the poor on their situation because a man may be poor, yet be a candidate of Heaven. Citing Luke 6:20- 26, the wise man recited the beatitudes. Don’t doubt the genuineness of your spiritual experience or question your sonship of Christ because of your situation. The promise of God can only be appropriated by faith which comes through hearing and obeying the Word of God. We were elected before the foundation of the world to inherit the Kingdom of God. Faith is a necessary condition to access Heaven. Faith purifies and justifies us and removes the guilt of sin. The opening of our eyes of faith is the silencing of our fears. Fear not, for those who are fighting for you are more than those out to destroy you. Because you know that Heaven is your permanent Home, let everything that has to do with you be redeemed now and forever, the wise man prayed in conclusion.


A lot of Christians, Prophet T. B. Joshua said, after commending the message, grumble and despair about their situation because their lives are centred on how they are doing. How clearly, he asked, do we really see our lives? When you look at your life, what do you see? Do you see your life the way Jesus sees it?
Continuing, the prophet added, ‘A man I met yesterday told me that the Holy Spirit gave him an idea but advised him not to take the credit.’ Don’t take the credit, he echoed, is a Word from the Holy Ghost. It is all about Jesus, he said. All we do is to give back what we have received from His generous hands. Don’t take the credit, he reminded his listeners. Citing Mark 11:1, he said whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed’, and does not doubt in his heart, it will be done. The prophet emphasized the prayer of faith. The object of our faith is God. Have faith in God, Jesus said, according to him. Teaching today, he went on, encourages believers to have faith in faith. On the contrary, he maintained, it should be on the finished work of Jesus. Because He is good all the time, I can bring my request to Him and cast my cares  upon Him. Why complain, murmur or despair? Realising that He is God and I am not; that He is a Father and I am but a child; He is a Shepherd; I am a straying sheep, I should have faith in God. We often hear, he continued, that prayer changes things but this is not entirely true. Prayer, he corrected, changes us; faith causes things to happen. Advising his listeners to have faith in God, he added, today we pray but lack the necessary faith to release the belief in our hearts. There is power in our mouth; the belief in our heart is released by faith out of our mouth. Faith requires us to speak the Word before we feel or see the result. The object of faith, he concluded, is God.



Delivered the previous Sunday from the spirit of eating sand and mattress, Ammen in company with his mother appeared on the platform to confirm the deliverance after the video clip refreshed viewers’ minds. Mrs Izah, the mother joyfully told the congregation that her son no more  had no appetite for those things after the deliverance.
  Confirming her mother’s testimony in response to the prophet’s questions, Ammen said that he wanted to be a pastor to pray for the sick, so that they would not die and agreed to submit himself to the fasting and prayer demanded by the profession.


A woman from Anambra, Nigeria and her 14 year-old son took the platform and told the congregation that the son had been eating sand and mattress since the age of four. She added that her watching the deliverance of a girl from Tanzania on Emmanuel TV, fuelled her visit to The SCOAN regarding their plight. Enlightening his listeners on his affliction, Onyeka Ibiano said that at night, an object appeared to him and that caused the addiction to sand and mattress since that time. After touching and staring at him for a while, the prophet declared him free.






A video clip revealed Wise Man Racine as he laid hands on worshippers and asking one man among them, ‘Who are you?’ ‘Nobody’, the man responded. Worried that the man’s deliverance was not thorough as he never opened up, the prophet insisted on his re-deliverance.  Confirming that he never opened up, Chukwemeka Paul, accompanied by his wife, agreed to open up and told the story of his life. He admitted being a cultist in a group of boys who delighted in drinking, robbing  and raping girls. Threatened in Nigeria, he went to Ghana where he discovered that security awareness was even higher and he decided to go into computer training. He married in Ghana but did not approach lovemaking in a normal way, afflicted by the spirit of raping. In a way he never quite understood, he found himself in The SCOAN and after his second deliverance, he demanded to know from the prophet whether the wife who had had twins by him was his God-given wife. He explained that they enjoyed no peace in their marriage and the wife often nagged, calling him a baby especially because of his age. He added that he enjoyed peace more with other women than with his wife. The wife narrated that the man lured her into cultism after she married him. They came into the relationship through a call given to her by the erroneous tapping of just a digit by the man who had intended to call his sister. She was not surprised because her church had told her that her prospective husband would locate her in such a manner. She however complained about the raping approach of her husband to lovemaking. The man of God delivered them and declared their marriage sanctified from Heaven.






The osude family from Anambra, Nigeria, though resident in Lagos, appeared on the platform for their  testimony. According to the spokesperson among them, they came for the Monday service where Wise Man Christopher prayed and laid hands on them. But on Wednesday, they noticed that their sister, Ikechukwu started to display signs and antics of evil attacks causing her to be violent. It was in that state of violence that they brought her back to the church.
As the wise man laid hands on Ikechukwu on the Monday in question, she opened up in a smile and Wise Man Christopher told her that he knew her and she knew he knew her. In her testimony after the second deliverance in the prayer line, she told her listeners that after the Monday service, she began to behave funnily and talk nonsense by Wednesday and so her family brought her to The SCOAN on Thursday. She said she possessed many evil spirits which gave her all sorts of powers that she used to wreck the lives of her parents and siblings.  She said her misbehaviour began at the age of five, when she was afflicted with the spirits of lust and gluttony among others. At the age of five, she was fond of watching herself act before a mirror, where a woman appeared to her and asked her whether she would be her friend. She agreed and thereafter, she played with the woman often, though unnoticed by other people. She started having meetings in the spirit world and had astral powers by which she visited many parts of the world effortlessly. She attacked members of her family one after the other. She afflicted her father with high blood pressure and made him a debtor. She wrecked her mother’s business and rendered her sisters jobless in spite of their very good degrees in International Relations.  At the end of her breath-taking and most surprising confession, she pleaded with the man of God to deliver her family from all the evils of the devil for the past 50 years.



The miraculous work of the Anointing Water in the four corners of the earth was shown on Emmanuel TV. In country after country where the Anointing Water was administered, the atmosphere became charged with anointing that set the devil and all its evil spirits in confusion and disarray. Many of the faithful in such locations became delivered   from ailments which many prayers of yesteryears were yet to free them from.
In eager anticipation of the miracles associated with the Anointing Water, congregants besieged the venues in their thousands before the appointed time of service. To the glory of God, they were not disappointed because many left the scene with testimonies of deliverance and healing. That was the picture in London, UK; Athens, Greece; Cape Town, South Africa; Accra, Ghana and other locations where the Anointing Water was ministered.  In Cameroon, where the man of God had just okayed a house fellowship for a family about a month before, the congregation was so much that the man of God, in his surprise, never knew how to classify it. Equally amazing, according to the family granted the concession, was the dumbfounding work of the Anointing Water in deliverance and healing.



Mr John Mark of Kogi State but working in Katsina as a chief superintendent of police also mounted the platform for his testimony. He said he had come to The SCOAN on 31st December for a breakthrough service during the candle night. He added that the man of God prophesied about violence in the country and advised worshippers to obtain both the Anointing Water and the Wristband, which he did. On a date in May 2011, water came out of his Wristband unusually like sweat.  Not quite sure how to react to the situation, he stayed put in his office until his phone rang and a voice asked him to take one of the vehicles for patrol on one of the major streets. He noticed that as he came out of the office, the sweat on the Wristband stopped. He never knew that at that time, hoodlums had come to plant bombs in the police premises. As soon as he drove out for the patrol, he had a terrible sound of the detonated bomb that brought the entire office down in rubbles.  To his surprise, the portion of the office block where he hung the portrait of the man of God and the Anointing Water stood strong and unaffected by the bomb blast. The panel of investigators who had earlier suspected that he had secret knowledge of the blast before it happened, in view of the fact that it was just ten minutes after he left when the blast occurred, became convinced that his safety was the work of God when they saw the Anointing Water and the portrait still hanging safely. Before then, the service provider had no record too of the voice that invited him out of the office. It was the Holy Spirit, they then realised, that took him out of the office and death by that call. Thanking God for His mercy, Mr John Mark remarked that he had become a different person and that his life was no more his. As regards the breakthrough for which he came for the candle light service, Mr John told his listeners that he got it in many areas of his life.



Mrs Ogeshi Okeke from Imo State joyfully mounted the podium to tell her listeners that after the hand- laying ceremony of the very day, she went to the ladies to check herself following the sensation she received when Wise Man Racine laid hands on her.
She had, since her miscarriage last December, lost her menstruation and was longing for it. In the ladies, she saw that her menstruation had miraculously surfaced and she thanked God most spiritedly for the miracle, reassuring her listeners that everything happen at the opportune time and that nothing is beyond God. It is all praise to God almighty as we watch the miracles  which we read in the Bible happening again ceaselessly in our time.


In unison with the choir who rendered melodies occasionally to season the message and redound to the pervading atmosphere of spiritual solemnity, Wise Man Daniel made a distinction between messages and a message. The only message that brings the joy of salvation is the Gospel, he clarified. In his words, knowing the Redeemer brings joy that nothing can destroy. The Holy Spirit is the overcoming Spirit in us. Entitling his message ‘The Holy Spirit in us today’ and citing Galatians 4:4-7 as his proof text, the wise man averred that the Holy Spirit residing in us helps us to develop the virtues of Christian character. It renews our personality, desires and wills. The overcoming Spirit is not known to everyone. It comes only to those who are prepared for Him. The Holy Ghost must be the power, CEO and director in the house, otherwise you are on your own. It has nothing to do with family background, position or how fast you are. You cannot condition the overcoming Spirit. You cannot dictate for the Holy Ghost. Citing 1 Samuel 17:45-47, the wise man told his listeners that it was God’s Word from David’s lips that produced the overcoming Spirit against Goliath. With confession and testimony David overcame Goliath.
In a spirited effusion on the power of prophecy in separating God’s prophets from fake prophets, Prophet T. B. Joshua contended that while the failure of deliverance and healing could be attributed to lack of faith on the part of the recipient, that of prophecy goes to confirm such a prophet as a fake. He thereafter extols that singular uniqueness of prophecy that clearly sets it apart from healing and deliverance. In practical terms, some of the prophecies of the wise men in the previous week were visited for authentication.
The first video clip revealed Wise Man Harry issuing a message of prophecy to Mrs Ugochukwu Okegbo, a 28 year old lady from Anambra, Nigeria. In the prophecy the wise man employed all tact to draw the lady’s attention to one ugly experience she used to have occasionally. After diplomatically skirting round the issue, he went straight to the point and told her to her face that she was a bed wetter.

Confirming the prophecy as given by the wise man, Mrs Okegbo was immediately delivered by the Wise Man Harry. Standing on the platform beside her husband to give her testimony, Mrs Okegbo, a mother of five, confirmed that the ugly experience stopped after the deliverance and she also gave the historical background to the embarrassing experience. Isolating the gift of prophecy as a means of knowing true prophets of God from impostors, the prophet ordered that more prophecies should be visited.
The next video clip revealed a prophecy delivered by the prophet himself on a case of rejection. The clip revealed an epistolary interaction between Victoria Udoye who was based in the USA and her father, Dr Martin Udoye of NAFDAC, Nigeria. The said interaction clearly revealed the anger of the father as he instructed his daughter to ignore the issue of her children and concentrate on her studies in the USA. Uncomfortable with the angst emanating from her father, Victoria recollected the rift between her family and her parents in- law and considered the words of her father to her a case of rejection. She consequently flew from the US directly to The SCOAN to seek God’s opinion. It was while she was ruminating over her plight that it was mentioned in a prophecy. On the platform to confirm the prophecy a week after, the family, comprising Dr Martin and Mrs Francisca Udoye and their two offspring, the father revealed the mental ordeal he suffered in the hands of Victora’s fiancé by whom she had four children in five years and who too was a blood relation at home. The father went on to narrate how the money paid to him by an insurance company in respect of his eldest son who died in a road accident in the US was concealed from him by Victoria’s fiancé. Due to the sensitive nature of the families strife, the prophet put a hold to the testimony, promising to handle the family reconciliation privately.
The next video clip revealed Wise Man John Chi issuing a prophetic message to a lady and telling her that her husband deserved more respect than she hitherto gave him. He further asked for the cause of the fight between her husband and her. He added that when she slept a man used to come to her in her dreams.

Turning to the husband, the wise man prophetically told him that his request to God had been granted. In her testimony that day, the lady said that in a trance she saw her spiritual husband naked and was heading amorously for her. Instantly, she woke and got up. She then told the dream to her husband who, in reaction, held her hand and prayed with her to ward off the spirit. Appearing on the podium a week later for a full testimony after their deliverance, the lady told the congregation that the issue of contention between them was the number of children they should have. In disregard of her husband’s preference for the two they already had, Mrs Awobanjo went on unilaterally to consult her gynaecologist about having twins and came back to demand the money for treatment from her husband who refused to accede to her request and thereby escalated the misunderstanding into a fight. In pursuit of her stance, Mrs Awobanjo vented her anger through Face Book where she intimated to the internet world to void the marriage because of the misunderstanding. When his brother in France drew his attention to the internet notice, Architect Femi Awobanjo went about retrieving all the internet notices by his wife and proceeded tactically to appease her. The prophet emphasized in this case how love had turned the aggrieved husband into a peace maker.
The next video clip displayed the family of Mr Uche Ezebike whose wife had been healed of paralysis in The SCOAN in 1996. The clip displaying her helpless condition then also revealed the developmental strides of the church since then. Apart from the healing they got from the church, the Ezebike family also enjoyed much blessing from God in terms of children and finance. Before temptation set into their family, they were proud owners of four children and two trailers. However, the wife soon began to adopt a new style of life in which she treasured nocturnal outings from which she would come back home about 1.30 am, abandoning the household chores and the care of the children for the husband. In obedience to her advice which she got from a pastor, the husband sold the two trailers with other property and also put the education of the children on hold until the same pastor would advise otherwise. Though surprised like the congregation, the prophet promised to point them once again to success in their marital togetherness.
The next video clip revealed the Holy Spirit in its worldwide cleansing using the medium of the new Anointing Water. The new Anointing Water encapsulates the environment in which it is ministered in the Lord’s anointing, causing all contrary spirits to seek refuge thereby making those infected reel, fall, vomit and, in some cases, shake uncontrollably, being wreathed in deliverance. In the London branch, the Anointing Water sent a lady down in deliverance as the contrary spirit in her threatened to destroy her. The evil spirit revealed the lump in the lady’s back which was the mark used to trace her movement in life. After a shiver, she received her deliverance.
In the Cape Town branch, a similar scenario was repeated and a lady, 47 and Catherine by name, went to the toilet after the ministration of the Anointing Water where she voided the fibroid that had disturbed her for 17 years. In the Greece branch, a man with a strained arm was healed following the ministration of the new Anointing Water. The service was put on hold till Monday because of the eclipsing night fall.


Taking advantage of the lull in the adoration melodies resonating from the choir’s platform and engulfing the service arena in an aura of spiritual rejuvenation most apropos for the commencement of the day’s worship, Wise Man Harry, in the usual greeting formalities, reawakened the congregation to their devotional obligation and proceeded to issue the Message. He introduced his message by asking two questions which could come from no other personage than a wise man: Is it possible to plant a mango tree and reap bananas from it? Can we reap only a single seed of corn from the one earlier planted? These questions, more so the second, foreshadow the substance of the entire Message. Unearthing the core of his Message veneer by veneer, he reminded the congregation that, ‘God expects our best because He gave us His best’. He added, by way of clarification, that God planted His only begotten Son in the earth to produce a family. Today, he went on, millions are born again through this seed. Charging the congregation to see giving as an assignment from God, he introduced the title of his Message: The essence of true giving. He reminded his listeners that it is praiseworthy when we give not only within our power but beyond our power. Coming closer home to his listeners, he averred that if you can’t pay your tithes as a cleaner, you will not be able to pay as a manager or director. He urged them to give even when it causes them pain to do so, for then their offering would be sacrificial, reminding them however, to give in humility and reverence.

As if in direct confirmation of the invaluable lesson just imparted by the wise man, Prophet T. B. Joshua remarked most aptly that those who work with wise men will be wise but those who keep the company of fools will be destroyed. Delineating on that strand, the prophet extolled the need for a mentor in one’s life. In his words, a mentor is someone with vast experience or unique talents who is willing to share with you on an regular basis. The bonus, he maintained, is that you normally don’t pay but you must be sincere, as this determines the quantum of your benefits.

The prophet took the congregation on a conducted tour of the world mediated by the screen to witness the live miracles recorded by the Anointing Water in the hands of both resident pastors and evangelists despatched from the world headquarters of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria to branches of the church, worldwide. The congregation watched with lips agape and utter amazement the hardly conceivable feats of deliverance and healing perfected by the Anointing Water wherever it was administered by these servants of God working under the spiritual tutelage of Prophet T.B. Joshua. In country after country where the Anointing Water was administered, the enveloping aura of anointing rendered whatever contrary spirits present, stranded, helpless and defenceless against the cleansing force unleashed by the Anointing Water. Many human carriers of these evil spirits fell in reaction and were delivered. The activated video revealed a lady with contrary spirits delivered and another from the spirit of death. A woman, by name Maria, groaning under the difficulty of walking and for which infirmity she had visited hospitals and doctors over the years, regained her health and strength from a bath in the Anointing Water.
In Toronto in Canada, the home of Niagara Falls, the video displayed a woman reacting to the administered Anointing Water by falling and receiving deliverance.
In the United Kingdom where many had thronged to the new location of The SCOAN, London, in the furore that heralded the arrival the new Anointing Water in that branch, the church was filled to capacity by the expectant faithful among those in need of healing and deliverance. True to expectation, many people fell under the cleansing power of the Anointing Water as it demolished all evil spirits in the vicinity. A man possessed with evil spirits tried to leave the church as the Anointing Water was being sprayed but he was ordered to come back both by the people and spiritually. According to him, a force dragged him back to the church as he tried to take to his heals. He had been afflicted by the spirit of anger and violence and was often chased in his dreams. He revealed after the deliverance that he was ‘much better and relieved’. A similar scenario was recorded in Cape town where a woman fell immediately under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

In the Ghana branch of The SCOAN, Accra, the evangelists despatched there by the prophet saw the hand of God at work following the administration of the Anointing Water. As soon as they administered the Anointing Water, a divine touch from Heaven could be felt at work. Many people were loosed from afflictions, infirmities and bondages as they vomited the sicknesses and poisons that had tormented them for years. A woman with evil spirits under which her life had been held in bondage and destroyed was set free in Jesus’ name. Another woman who had been demobilized by gunshot wounds regained her walking capacity and happily parted with the crutches that were his walking aids for years. A man afflicted with the spirit of poverty and could not complete his university education for eight years was also set free with the administration of the Anointing Water. Mr Joseph who had suffered from gout for eight years was also set free. A woman who on her own could not disembark from the car which had brought her to the scene because of her perennial inability to walk, retro-actively climbed out of the car and started to walk following the administration of the Anointing Water.

Apart from the international testimonies celebrating the work of God through the new Anointing Water, local testimonies regarding the prophecies issued by the wise men were also welcomed. The first among these was given by one Samson of Edo State in Nigeria. He received a prophecy from Wise Man Harry that it was games with charms and girls in his school days that was haunting him now. In the testimony, he recollected the charm game they indulged in during their secondary school days. According to him, he met a witch doctor who used a padlock to lock a girl that he no longer wanted to marry but was pursuing him and threw the key into the sea. The effects of the nefarious act trailed him to date. His deliverance according to the prophet also meant the deliverance of the targeted lady. Mr Samson happily thanked God and the man of God for his much awaited deliverance.

Mrs Maria Ngonda of Cameroon had a sensation of turbulence in her stomach which called for her visiting a hospital and consulting a doctor. The outcome of the diagnosis suggested surgery. In the face of her poor financial stance, she decided to visit The SCOAN where she was arranged in the prayer line in addition to the Anointing Water that she received. Getting home she administered the Anointing Water on herself after which she sensed churning in her stomach. The following day she saw blood stain on her pants as well as that of a white substance. She was then rushed to hospital where the fibroid that had been her headache for the past six years finally came out. She thanked God for her visit to The SCOAN which was the source of her healing.

Mrs Tongara Alazigha of Bayelsa State, Nigeria followed by her triplets mounted the platform for her testimony. One of the triplets had been plagued by an evil spirit apart from the hole in her heart which made breathing difficult and rendered her easily breathless. After fruitless efforts at healing in many hospitals, Mrs Alazigha visited The SCOAN where she collected the Anointing Water. At home in a dream, they were visited by the man of God following which the heart became healed. The difficulty in breathing was over and the evil spirit also exorcised. Mrs Alazigha displayed a doctor’s report which certified her daughter healed of a heart ailment.

Mr Jonathan Mukwevha of South Africa had for years been stagnated in his company and worried. He visited The SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. Getting home, he prayed and applied it as directed. Soon after, he attended a promotion interview in his company which subsequently ushered him from the post of sales agent to that of manager. He was full of thanks to God for using the anointing water as the instrument for his promotion.

Mr Absalom of Swaziland had had diabetes and arthritis for three years and these necessitated a special diet for him. After a long but fruitless romance with modern medicine, he came to The SCOAN where he received a touch at the prayer line. Thereafter he stopped all medication but visited the hospital monthly for a test. Each and all of the visits and tests certified him healed and attested by the reports he displayed during the testimony.

<Mrs Ebele Ezekwesili emerged from the congregation in answer to a prophecy which painted a woman of her description and location in the church as having a problem of ceased menstruation. Her prompt appearance was greeted with, ‘You will see your menses’ by the prophet to which she responded, ‘Amen’ and went to her seat. Getting home, Ebele experienced her menses the same month – an experience which for many years had remained a mirage. After meeting her husband, Ebele lost no time in having her pregnancy. Both husband and wife happily gave their testimony in gratitude to God for blessing them with the pregnancy. In view of the reconvening scheduled for 10 am Monday, the prophet said the closing grace.