Monifah Foncham from United Kingdom shared a powerful testimony about how God miraculously rescued her from an impending operation after she ministered the Morning Water in the name of Jesus Christ!

“Emmanuel! Praise the Lord! God has been so good to me and my family. From the day I was born until today, His continual love upon my life is so wonderful! He has done millions of things in my life and He is still doing more without getting tired or complaining despite my not being honest to expectations.

“I don’t know where to start but will give the recent testimony concerning my pregnancy. On July 9th 2015, I went to the hospital at 2am because I was bleeding. I was pregnant for 39 weeks and 5 days at that point. I was checked, the baby was only 1cm and I was going through intense pain. Nothing changed and by 8pm on Friday, it was still 1cm.

“My water was broken and I had dilated but still the baby was nowhere in sight, so the medical team decided to booked me in for a caesarean section. They gave 30 minutes in preparation for the operating theater. In that period, I and my husband cried unto God, ministering the Morning Water in Jesus’ name. He placed an Anointing Sticker close to me and assured me that it would be well.

“When the doctor came, she had this consent form for me to sign. But God is always good; He did it for me! Before asking me to sign the form, she stopped and said she needed to check for the last time if the baby might have moved. Behold! What a miracle – it was 10cm! I sang praises with tears in my eyes and God gave me strength! 10 minutes later, I pushed the baby out without any operation!

“I want to give thanks to God Almighty for His constant love and for using His servant to bless, heal and save. Believe and trust in the Lord! He will do it for you as He has done it for me and my family. Praise the Lord! If God is with you, no one can be against you!”

If you are facing a similar challenge or troubling situation, we encourage you to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV, knowing that there is never a situation beyond His control:

56 thoughts on “WHAT A MIRACLE!

  1. People outside Nigeria desperate of the anointing water beware of fraudsters aka boko haram,they have manage to prepare fake tap water and are selling to people via fake email,be vigilant,the only place to get the anointing water is at scoan Nigeria,the anointing water is not for sale or order via email,tel.
    Note TB Joshua or Emmanuel TV never send out the anointing water to people via post as claiming fraudsters aka boko haram Ebola in this page.
    Scoan official email for years : info@ scoan.org
    To visit scoan just follow legal procedure Google : scoan.org
    Be vigilant tb Joshua does not communicated with people via Facebook or tel.beware of impostor.☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳😳☎️📞

  2. People ouside nigeria desperate of the anointing water beware of fraudsters,they have manage to prepare fake tap water and are selling to people via fake email,be vigilant tb Joshua never end out the anointing water to people via post as claiming fraudsters,the only place you can get it is at scoan Nigeria,be careful,fraudsters are determined to con you.☎️☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳📞📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️

  3. Emmanuel  ithank God for changing my life true this ministry  before i used to write asking annoited water           but the mministry say is not sending out of nigeria  and they in carrege me to watch true my phone but for true i see change  i thank God for what he did to me and am praying that GOD WILL do something so that one day i will be there may GOG bless TB JOUSHA including EMMANUEL TIME IN JESUS NAME AMEN YOURS MAVUTO FESTON NKALO.

  4. Propre outside Nigeria who are desperate for the anointing water,beware of fraudsters,impostors in this page,they have manage to prepare tap fake water and are selling to people via their fake email on: scoanchurch /@/ minister.com
    Don’t order nothing from them,if you do,don’t blame tb Joshua,or scoan team .be away from them,tb Joshua never send out the anointing water to people to reach them as claiming impostors in this page,people listen.☎️☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳😳📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️

  5. God bless TB jousha for all the good things he doing to so.many lam.praying for him in Holland God guide him for ever more amen

    Sent from my Windows Phone

  6. Son of God & Prophet T.B. JOSHUA, Please help me with ur prayers.
    I stepped my foot by a stone, then the stone jumped up crashed my leg a little bit. I have been using all kind of medicines, prayers but in vain. Now it is almost three months in pain. I need badly Anointing Water but how can I get here in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Box 75072, Email: Elizabeth_mbotto@yahoo.com. Phone 255 767322297. Plse help me. Tnx.

  7. The Lord’s goodness never ends. I thank the Lord soo much for your testimony and may He give many more reasons to testify to his goodness.

  8. The God worked miracles with apostles is still on the throne to do more with His faithful sons and daughters .Thank you man God for letting to know that he never changes

  9. Good Morning
    Good Lord our Savior you are a great miracle worker and you are wonderful. I bless and glorify your name for what you have done to this wonderful family through the medium of the Morning Water and the Anointing Sticker for the salvation of their soul. There is nothing Jesus Christ cannot do. I encourage you to make the word of God standard for life so that what you have received will remain permanent in Jesus Christ name

  10. Good day .I just want to know where can I get the anointing water please .I am living in Cape town . thanks Lenard Monk 0733020071 thanks

    On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Distance Is Not A Barrier: Emmanuel TV

  11. Peuple of God outside Nigeria desperate of anointing water beware of fraudsters,impostostors.
    Scoan never send out the anointing water to people via post to reach them as claiming fraudsters,to get it ask someone who are going scoan to collect it for you,be vigilant,don’t fall in fraudstrs ‘s tricks,malices and lies.
    Fraudsters have manage to prepare fake anointing water and are sending to people around the world,don’t buy it as it’s just ordinary tap water without power of Jesus christ.☎️☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳📞📞📞📞☎️☎️

  12. To Daddy our Prophet may the words of Isaiah 45:1-3 be his portion in Jesus name.“This is what the Lord says to his anointed,
    to T B Joshua, whose right hand I take hold of
    to subdue nations before him
    and to strip kings of their armor,
    to open doors before him
    so that gates will not be shut:
    I will go before you
    and will level the mountains
    I will break down gates of bronze
    and cut through bars of iron.
    I will give you hidden treasures,
    riches stored in secret places,
    so that you may know that I am the Lord,
    the God of the whole universe, who summons you by name,so shall it be in Jesus Mighty Name Amen Big Time

  13. There is never a situation beyond God’s control indeed,i join the scoan family to sing praises to our unfailing Father singing Hosanna unto your Holy name Lord for this is exactly what happened to my younger sister.thank you Jesus for being faithful to all your promises to your children,Good Morning the Foncham’s family,i pray that you shall forever live in the morning Due in Jesus name,Amen

  14. People of God outside Nigeria who are desperate of the anointing water,beware of fraudsters,they are using tb Joshua’s name,picture to deceived innocents people concerning the anointing water.
    Scoan team never send out the anointing water to people via post,ask someone who are going scoan Nigeria to collect it for you,otherwise you will end up in fraudsters’s hands and they will con you without mercy.
    Be vigilant,open your eyes.☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳📞📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳📞📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳📞📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️

  15. My name is Sharon..Prophet TB I need your prayers to heal in this disease.I’m always in pains.I pray day and night but there’s no change instead I’m getting worse. I wish God may send an instant miracle of healing in my life🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • Since you believe, daddy tb Joshua said that believing is our connection. God will never leave you non forsake you in Jesus Name.

  16. Pingback: WHAT A MIRACLE! - Emmanuel Player - Watch Emmanuel TV

  17. Please my name is BAWAKE ADDAE PETER, a student of Dambai teacher training college.please prophet TB JOSHUA i need prayers and blessings in my life, in my cape coast exam,and also let my blood and body be full of your powers and my mind be full of wisdom and retentive memory and agility. And always remember in your fasten and prayers,and bless me with prosperity,wealth and deliver me from disgraces, disappointment,miserable life and failure in life,now and forever shall it be.AMENooooooooooooooh.

  18. People of God outside Nigeria ,beware of fraudsters ,because of this testimony fraudsters would take advantage of you,so be vigilant don’t pay attention for their fake adverts,fake email.
    Scoan never send out the anointing water to people through post to reach them,to get it ask someone who are going scoan Nigeria to collect it for you,otherwise you will end up in fraudsters ‘s hands and they will con you without pity,listen to our warning ,than listen to fraudsters’lies.
    Fraudsters are manage to prepare fake anointing water to selle it to innocents people around the world.
    If you buy it you would not be heal,as its ordinary water from tap,without power of God in it,so becareful,be vigilant,don’t let fraudsters fool you.☎️☎️☎️📞📞📞📞😳😳😳😳☎️☎️☎️☎️📞📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️☎️

  19. Emmanuel! Lord I ask for Your mercy and favour that You release me and my family from cycle of limitations, setbacks in Jesus Christ’s name amen. Thank You Lord.

  20. People of God putside nigeria,beware of fraudsters,because of this testimony fraudsters would take advantage to play with your minds.
    Scoan team never send out the anointing water ( now called morning water) to people via post to reach them,to get it ask someone who are going scoan Nigeria to collect it for you,otherwise you will end up in fraudsters’s hands and they would con you without mercy.
    Fraudsters are manage to prepare fake water from tap and people are buying from them via their fake email,note if you buy it no blessing for you as it just ordinary tap water without power of Jesus christ in it,so be vigilant don’t fall on fraudsters tricks and malices.
    To visit scoan Google on: Scoan,org
    Scoan official email: info@scoan.org
    Keep on watching emmanuel TV,they are warning us about fraudsters,but weird people just listening to fraudsters lies !☎️☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳📞📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️☎️😳😳😳😳😳📞📞📞📞📞☎️☎️☎️☎️

  21. Am a young woman just had a pain in my heart and I drink my tables but I was in pain,I put my hand there then pray the Pain went. Amen

  22. People of God outside Nigeria beware of fraudsters impostors,they are using man of God name,picture,ministries to deceived innoncents people’s concerning the anointing water ( called now mornings water )
    Scoan or Emmanuel TV team never send out the anointing water to people via post,to get it ask someone who are going scoan to collect it for you.
    Becareful fraudsters have manage to prepare fake water and are sending to people around the world,note the water is just ordinary water without the power of Jesus,be vigilant don’t let fraudsters fool you.☎️☎️☎️☎️📞📞📞📞😳😳😳😳☎️☎️☎️☎️📞📞📞📞😳😳😳😳☎️☎️☎️☎️

  23. Glory be to God Almighty, My uncle was very sick and was having some paralysis on his legs ,We told him to come with us to synagogue , He said he might die on the way, So we took morning water to village for him, He is now hale and healthy.

  24. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    From:”Distance Is Not A Barrier: Emmanuel TV Testimonies” Date:Fri, 24 Jul, 2015 at 22:01 Subject:[New post] WHAT A MIRACLE!

    promisecarrier posted: “Monifah Foncham from United Kingdom shared a powerful testimony about how God miraculously rescued her from an impending operation after she ministered the Morning Water in the name of Jesus Christ! “Emmanuel! Praise the Lord! God has been so good to “

  25. Indeed God is love, what a miracle.
    We thank God for his mercies and favour. Because of Christ we are favoured, captured for divine glory.
    I am next in line for a miracle.
    Breakthrough in my career as a Financial/Credit Analyst.
    Every person that walks by faith will have testing.
    Good morning.

    • hahahahahaahahah i m laughing at the Satan he has lost the fight and that he knows it and nothing is going to stop us i mean real christian that believe in the Lord Master JESUS that he is the healer deliverer and that he will do what he says he will do to this people thank you LORD I equally thank God for giving me his morning water i know mother of testimonies are on my way coming in JESUS AMEN

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