Jesus Christ Cast Out Spirits With A Word

Sunday the 22nd of August 2010 proved to be another enlightening service at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria.

Receiving deliverance

Chijioke and Chidinma receive their deliverance after confession

Hundreds of people have been coming out in the services to explain the terrible ways they had been misusing the internet for both financial and physical pleasures and gains – and how that misuse was destroying them. As Prophet T.B. Joshua has said, the internet is good – it is a gift from God. But the way we are using the internet is not good. A prime example of this is the young girl Chidinma Fredericks. She explained to the congregation how she had met a man on the internet who introduced her to internet fraud. While chatting with this man online, he convinced her to join him in processing fraudulent transactions with unsuspecting web surfers. The man would hook his victims with a product or service he was “selling” and would now give them Chidinma’s phone number so that they could seal the deal. Chidinma would answer their calls, pretend to be the man’s wife and give them her bank details where the “payment” was to be made. She would then go to the bank, withdraw the money from her account, send it to the man, and he would give her her own cut of the money. During this time, she also met another man through chatting on the internet who promised to marry her. Excited about this prospect, she went to meet him physically and discovered that he was a criminal. One would think Chidinma would learn from her negative experiences on the internet but instead of changing her ways, she went on to introduce her own brother to the world of dubious internet affairs.

Chijioke Fredericks was introduced to the internet by his sister Chidinma and became entangled in numerous internet relationships with both women and men. He went so far as to marry four of the girls he was dating on the internet and had promised marriage to many others. When he decided to break up with one of his internet wives, she told him that they would both die and meet in hell. Since that time, he developed severe throat pain and vomited a live snail.

Chidinma and Chijioke at The SCOAN

Chidinma and Chijioke thank God for their deliverance at The SCOAN

He began experiencing attacks in the dream and his once powerful singing voice vanished in seconds, thus putting an end to a promising career. Chidinma and Chijioke – two people, one problem. After explaining their cases, Prophet T.B. Joshua told Chidinma that she was speaking as if she had been duped, when in fact she was as fraudulent as the man she was working with. The prophet then prayed for her brother, Chijioke, who began vomiting during the prayer. “He’s talented. After deliverance, he will get his voice back”, the prophet said and just as he finished uttering these words, Chijioke discovered that his singing voice was being restored by the finger of God. The beautiful song, “El Shaddai” burst from his throat as he was led to the stage to sing to the glory of God for the first time since his dubious behaviour began on the internet. Truly, pardoning mercy makes way for healing mercy. The congregation could see clearly that the young man had been delivered and the prophet concluded by stating, “See, your sister is delivered also”.

Chijioke Singing in The SCOAN

What a God we have to worship! Chijioke sings to the glory of God on The SCOAN stage after his deliverance.

Ikechukwu Ani, a medical student, came out to confess his own misuse of the internet. He stated that he had met an Australian girl on the internet and began dating her online. When the time came for his medical exams, he stopped the relationship so he could focus on his preparations. The girl then told him angrily, “You can run but you can never hide”. Since then, the girl has been sleeping with him in the dream and the day before he has exams, she would tell him that he would fail them. Even though he prepares well, Ikechukwu failed the last two exams and had to repeat an entire year of medical school because of this problem. Chidinma, Chijioke and Ikechukwu are just a few of the many that came out this Sunday to confess their misconduct on the internet and receive deliverance in the power of the Holy Spirit. But internet cases were not the only issues dealt with in the church that day.

Pastor Folushu

Pastor Folushu explains his ordeals at The SCOAN

Pastor Folusho Ayeni came out in response to a prophetic message delivered by Prophet T.B. Joshua. The prophecy said: There is a pastor there. Because of trouble you abandoned your church. The trouble is over women. Pastor Ayeni came out immediately to confirm the prophecy. He said that during service one Sunday, he took it upon himself to try to deliver a woman in his congregation who possessed the spirit of lust. That night after prayer, he began seeing women coming to him to sleep with him in the dream. Two weeks later, he realized that he had fallen into the sin of adultery with one of the members of his congregation. His church discovered the affair and he was sent away in shame. For the past eight years, he has been in this disgraced state, afflicted with the spirit of lust both physically and in the dream. After confession, he received deliverance in the power of the Holy Spirit – but his case is a reminder to us all of the message Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered earlier that day in the service. In Matthew 8:16, we see that Jesus Christ cast out spirits with a Word. It is the Word in our lips that counts. We use God’s Word; we whisper, in the name of Jesus – demons are going out. The Word becomes a living thing in the lips of the believer. We act on the Word just as Jesus Christ acted on the Word of the Father. He used the Father’s Word to deliver, defeat adversaries, heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the multitudes and defeat our enemies. But it cannot work until we act on the Word. For it is the doer of the Word that receives things from God.

Pastor delivered

Pastor Folushu delivered in the power of the Holy Spirit

Among other deliverances that took place that Sunday, was that of Kingsley. Kingsley came out to a message of prophecy and confessed that he was an armed robber, a sea pirate and a kidnapper. In the course of his activities, he also got involved in money rituals. After a powerful deliverance, the man of God said that he would personally be involved in his future, his career, his family life and that this once-armed robber and kidnapper, is now a part of the family.

A man by the name of Jeff was among those who began manifesting during the mass prayer. While under the power of the Holy Spirit, he confessed that he possessed the spirit of killing and has physically killed countless people. It was a confession no one was comfortable hearing – but a deliverance that truly showed the grace, the mercy and the love of God towards us. No one has committed the unpardonable sin. No one is too good or too bad to qualify for God’s grace. After the confession, Prophet T.B. Joshua asked for a writing pen. A man sitting in the visitor’s section stepped forward and offered the prophet a pen. The man of God instructed him to give it to Jeff and as the man placed it in Jeff’s hand, Jeff fell under the power of God. Instant deliverance in the power of God! And the agent of God’s deliverance was a simple pen!

Delivered From Spirit of killing

Delivered from the spirit of killing

During testimony time, a young man named Master Paul Akhanemhe was shown on the screen in a recent interview at the prayer line. He was suffering from severe swollen body. His stomach was a misshapen, massive growth sticking far out of his body and pulling on his slight frame. His arms and legs were also swollen and suffering was apparent on the young boy’s face. During prayer, the lightning of God fell upon Master Paul and a change was instantly noticed in his body. The crowd waited to see the final result of the prayer as the video ended. A slim, strong young man stepped to the altar and removed his shirt to reveal a completely transformed body! Rather than protruding like a basketball in front of his body, his stomach was now slim and well-defined, with no trace of even a stretch mark to tell of the problem he had experienced just a while ago. Truly, Jesus Christ is the Repairer and Restorer! Walking through the congregation to show the glory of God in his life, Master Paul found himself receiving hi-5’s and hugs from many in the church who could not find words enough to say, Thank You, Jesus.

During this miraculous service, Wise Man John Chi stepped to the altar to encourage the congregation and viewers worldwide with an enlightening message titled: TRUST IN GOD’S AUTHORITY. He stated that many today find themselves in situations similar to that of Master Paul, Pastor Folusho and Chijioke. They find themselves in a situation that does not guarantee any hope for the future. They are so overwhelmed by their situation that they have surrendered to their fears while their hearts dream of a miracle. The Wise Man instructed all that if they find themselves in similar situations, they should not fear but tarry a while, look around and discover the purpose of God in their situation.

TB Joshua

TB Joshua - It is the doer of the Word who receives things from God

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego found themselves under serious tension, pressure and threats to their lives in Daniel 3:15-18. Their situation demanded that they say, O king, we are sorry. We will serve your gods and your gods will be our gods. But they knew that with God, they could face even life’s final deadline with confidence. Daniel was faced with an unpleasant situation that warranted his execution. His situation demanded that he cease from his habitual devotion and prayer with his hands raised towards Jerusalem. But he knew that the extent of God’s care and the strength of His might in his life could redeem him from the claws of his adversaries – because he had no alternative but God. Joseph was rejected by his own brothers, thrown into a pit, sold into slavery and then framed and imprisoned for raping his master’s wife – an offence he knew nothing about. His situation demanded that he reduce the vision for his life God had given him. But he knew that man’s rejection would provoke God’s direction in his life. Despite the pressure from those around them, these men maintained their trust in God’s authority. They knew that His power and majesty were enough to support His authority. Many in similar situations today would look to others for direction and depend on the power and majority on the outside. But these men teach us all that if we maintain an independent mind, we will be enabled to live in the realm above the senses.

11 thoughts on “Jesus Christ Cast Out Spirits With A Word

  1. Je remercie infiniment l’éternel pour l’amour de son fils, qu’il manifeste au jour le jour dans la vie du prophète T B Joshua, en l’utilisant pour la guérison, la délivrance du peuple de Dieu au travers du monde entier.Que l’éternel Dieu des armées continue de multiplier son onction sur sa vie pour la miséricorde de son fils Jésus-Christ.Ma prière pour lui est d’être toujours fort devant toutes les situations de calomnie et de médisance,de continuer par oeuvrer de la même manière en focalisant ses regards sur le seigneur Jesus-Christ.Que Dieu vous protège,votre famille et toute l’équipe de SCOAN,EMMANUEL TV et tous les autres département de votre ministère.My past is OVER.Merci fils de DAVID d’avoir pitié de ma fille jebneja pour sa délivrance de la main des démons paralysie, de la démance te de la sorcellerie qui l’a tourmenté depuis novembre 2010

  2. Britain is still waiting when God will direct Prophet T.B. Joshua to visit us, we are waiting patiently for his visit, we believe God mercy.
    Long live T.B. Joshua
    Long live Emmanuel TV
    Long live SCOAN uk

  3. Man of God, may God Abundant power continue to work through you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We plead that your wise man Chi John be send here in Cameroon for just a while, so that some of us who don’t have money to travel to Nigeria may receive our own blessing and delevrance right here.

    may GOD continue to bless the SCOAN and his Son Prophet TB Joshua.

    hilda, Cameroon


  5. I want to thank God for what he is doing to transform our lives through the Emmanuel TV and the entire SCOAN crew.

    God bless Prophet T.B. Joshua.

    From Malawi

  6. praise the lord, for his mercy endureth forever. we pray he changes more lifes including our own. god is still saying somthing to the old world, we must have faith. may he continue to bless t b joshua and his entire church old amen. including us far away. god bless allviewers and internet watchers any means you used to be in faith with god amen.

  7. Oh! Jesus est notre sauveur, et c’est pour sa qu’il est mort sur la croix pour nous. Qu’il nous guide vraiment avec Son Esprit Saint et nous apprendre a mieux l’aime. Contre la temptation Qu’il nous rend tres fort. J’etais tres touche par les temoinages de ses personnes et les messages de l’homme de Dieu. Nous devonts etre tres prudant et nous accroches aux Seigneur.

  8. Christianity is not a badge to be worn on the shoulders and displayed to others to admire.
    It is the affirmation and willingness to take up the cross of Jesus Christ and continue the fight agaist all that which is ungodly.
    Our enemy has existed since the creation of the world.Our enemy knows the legal right and rules petaining to him claiming our souls.
    Our enemy even knows our future.To others he uses deception to destroy.To some he uses violence to defeat, spiritual violence,economic violence,and even mental and psychic violence.
    We have seen violent campaigns FOR abortion.We have seen violence in demonstrations for other ways of worship contrary to that of GOD.
    We have seen violence for the passing of bills and statutes that are contrary to to the KINGDOM OF GOD.
    As if that is not enough now we have subtle and all consuming ways by the enemy to absorb, ensconce,imbue and eventually entangle and defragment our souls through the internet.We are all guilty because even the minutest of sins is ungodly.Count me as one GUILTY AS WELL.But the sruggle continues.It is not only the relationship deception and fraud that only occurs via internet.
    There are demonic jingles,catch phrases,symbolism,games,music,doctrines and pictures that are contrary to Godliness.
    This is a lucrative spiritual minefield for Lucifer because we willingly surf the net and willingly engage in these activities thus providing Lucifer with a spiritual legal right to stand in between us and GOD.
    We need the guidance and Spiritually inspired intelligence of the Man of God to help us defy the machinations of the devil and his vassals and minions who entice us to unwitingly condemn our souls by embracing technology which can destroy our lives.
    ……and the spiritual warfront has now hit another level!!!

  9. hi it is a great and marvellous thing that God is doing,i watch the program on sunday and i was so bless and touch because of it because it is teaching us the youths to be very careful with our lives and let God should be our every thing in life and i am a believer from live word church in cameroon and i am singer in the house of God, i am ready to sacrifice all to him because he is very good to me and my family so i am ready to follow the program on emmanuel tv because i know it is a great thing i pray that may the good lord give the man of God more wisdom and prohercy to his people. thanks i am bless for life.

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