When you acknowledge God as your Healer and Deliverer, HE will do it again and again and again! Here is another faith-building testimony from an Emmanuel TV viewer in Germany:

“Emmanuel! I have a wonderful testimony to share to the glory of God. I had nightmares and was threatened by the spirit of death. I would regularly see people who I knew to be dead in my dreams and had this fear that I could die at any moment whenever I was going out, especially when in a vehicle. Secondly, my blood platelet count began dropping during pregnancy. My doctor told me the only solution was to remove the baby ahead of time to avoid excessive bleeding during delivery or after birth. The low platelet count was accompanied by protein and blood in my urine which was also abnormal and concerned the doctors. They said that without this operation, the excessive bleeding could be fatal for me.

“However, having recently discovered Emmanuel TV, I decided to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua through Emmanuel TV. To my amazement, immediately after the prayer, my platelets bounced back. The number increased back to a normal range and the doctors confirmed there was no more protein or blood in my urine. I was not induced neither was my baby removed by a caesarean section before due time.

“When I had signs of labour, I called one of the Emmanuel TV prayer lines and was prayed for safe delivery. When I was prayed for, an incredible sense of peace settled in my heart and I just kept meditating on the prayer that was offered for me. I delivered a baby boy safely the following morning. Thank You, Lord, Jesus! Also, the fear of death and those terrible nightmares have also disappeared. I give God all the glory.”

Mosoh Confidence, Germany

“The Doctors Were Amazed” – Miraculous Delivery

The operation was scheduled for the following day and Annie was scared. Would it be successful? Would her baby survive? Would there be any negative long term effects? The Zimbabwean knew that a ‘Caesarean Section’ was the only possible way of having her already overdue child and had thus resigned herself to fate. Unable to sleep that night, Annie decided to tune into Emmanuel TV, hoping to hear a message to calm her already frayed nerves. It was a mere eight hours before her date at the operating theatre. Seeing the prayer line numbers scrolling across the top of the screen, a sudden thought struck – ‘Let me call The SCOAN. At least they can pray that the operation will be successful…’

“Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Emmanuel! My name is Annie from Zimbabwe. I would like to thank The SCOAN for the answered prayer on 26th May. I was pregnant and overdue for delivery so the doctors had booked me for an operation on the 27th May. My cervix was tight, the baby was too big as well as being overdue so the doctors said it was impossible for me to give birth naturally and normally.

“As a regular viewer of Emmanuel TV, I decided to call one of the Emmanuel TV prayer lines. I spoke to one The SCOAN prayer warriors on 26th May at around 11pm. I asked for prayer that the operation the following day would be successful. It was just four hours after the prayer that I started having some contractions. My people rushed me to the hospital and at 7am, the exact time I was supposed to be operated, I gave birth normally to a 4.1kg baby girl without any operation! The doctors were amazed!

“I would like to thank Prophet T.B. Joshua, The SCOAN and the Emmanuel TV team. May the Lord bless you all, in Jesus’ name. Emmanuel!”

Annie, Zimbabwe